Paddle to the Symphony

The Michigan Philharmonic

The Michigan Council of Hostelling International (HI-USA) once again is presenting Paddle to the Symphony. This signature annual event takes place on Friday evening, June 22, 2012, at Kensington Metropark in Milford, MI. Participants will enjoy an evening on Kent Lake while listening to the Michigan Philharmonic lead by conductor Nan Washburn. Selections of classical music and fun American patriot tunes will celebrate the Michigan summer with thoughts of our most important national holiday on the horizon. The concert itself is free and family-friendly. However, the Paddle to the Symphony is a fundraiser and offers attendees a wonderful way to enjoy the music, eat and play.

Open to Everyone

Members and non-members of Hostelling International will be enjoying the event. In the past, the Girl Scouts, the SOLAR Club and the GM Ski Club have all participated with HI. Canoeists may paddle across the 1/4 mile span to the amphitheater on the opposing shore. Canoeists will return as the sun goes down and the music keeps going. To enjoy the evening without going on the water, guests may choose to hear the music from shore. A box lunch-style dinner is available whether an attendee chooses to canoe or stay on shore. Since the Paddle to the Symphony begins and ends across the lake, participants will have an easy time driving in and out of the park through a different entrance and will avoid the traffic leaving the park. Attendees of the Paddle should use exit #153 from I-96. Please register in advance at the council’s web site,

A Fun and Easy Paddle

Heavner Canoe Rental will be providing the canoes. All visitors to Kensington Metropark are required to purchase a daily use vehicle pass for $5.00 (yearly is $25.00) and are encouraged to spend the afternoon at the park before Paddle to the Symphony begins. The North Martindale Picnic Shelter is reserved for participants of the event. Anyone going on the water must arrive by 6:30 p.m. and every canoe must have a least one adult.

Here is the Schedule for June 22

4:00 p.m. Meet & Greet
6:00 p.m. Official Reception
7:00 p.m. Canoe Safety Meeting
7:30 p.m. Canoe Launch
8:00 p.m. Concert Starts
9:00 p.m. Canoes Paddle Back
9:30 p.m. Canoes Return
10:00 p.m. Thank you and Goodnight

Payment options at the council’s website:

Paddle with dinner is $35.00 per person

Paddle only is $25.00 per person

Dinner only (hear the music from shore) is $15.00 per person

Event only (stay on shore and bring your own snacks) is $5.00 per person

Event Hot line Number: 248-302-8026

2012 marks Hostelling International’s 78th anniversary in the United States. The Michigan Council of HI has over 1,500 members that travel, hike, bike, and paddle the Great Lakes state, as well as the world. Their mission is “To help people of all ages gain a greater understanding of the world, locally and internationally, through educational programs, cultural connections, recreational activities and positive hostelling experiences.”

Also check-out the Michigan Philharmonic website:

Michael Dwyer is a freelance writer and travel columnist. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

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