Experienced paddlers can register now for Paddlepalooza, scheduled for June 2 on the Clinton River between Auburn Hills and Rochester Hills.
Paddlepalooza is not recommended for the beginner. At certain times of year, the river can be considered difficult enough for a Class III rating. Participants can register for either an eight-mile canoe and kayak race to River Crest Banquet Center in Rochester Hills or an eight-mile, four-hour paddle, also to the River Crest. Trophies will be awarded for first, second and third place for each race class. The winning craft for the Kayak Race and the Canoe Race will receive a $100 gift certificate to Summit Sports. Each participant will receive a T-shirt and lunch.
Advanced registration is recommended. Entry on or before May 25 is $15 per person; after May 25, it’s $20 per person. Participants should park in the morning at the River Crest, 900 West Avon Road in Rochester Hills and use the free shuttle service to Riverside Park. Shuttle service starts at 6:30 a.m., with the last shuttle departing at 8:30 a.m. Early arrival to River Crest is advised. Participants may also park at the Auburn Hills municipal lot located on the south side of Squirrel Court, across from Riverside Park.
Participants using their own watercraft will be responsible for transporting their watercraft. A limited supply of canoes and kayaks are available for rent by contacting Clinton River Canoe & Kayak Rental at 248-421-3445. Pre-registration is required for craft rental on or before May 25 (cost is $35 per craft).
Rain date is Saturday, June 16. Participants should expect to get wet; bring a change of clothes and a blanket. For additional information on Paddlepalooza, call the City of Auburn Hills Parks and Recreation Department at 248-370-9353 or visit www.auburnhills.org or www.rochesterhills.org.