Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is encouraging local municipal and school officials to attend the Oakland County Budget Symposium II where they will hear the latest government revenue forecasts and learn about long-term financial planning tools and innovative cost saving techniques.The event, co-hosted by Oakland Schools, will be held 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Monday, November 8, 2010, at the Oakland Schools building, 2111 Pontiac Lake Road in Waterford. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.
When: November 8, 2010AGENDA8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Registration/Breakfast
L. Brooks Patterson, Oakland County Executive
Location: Oakland Schools Intermediate School District Building
2111 Pontiac Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48328
8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Welcome and General Session
9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Breakout Sessions (first series)THE PERFECT STORM
Executive Session
Session 1-A:
Presenter: Robert J. Daddow, Deputy County ExecutiveTechnical Sessions
Moderator: Gerald D. Poisson, Deputy County Executive
Description: This presentation will cover the recent economic and budgetary issues facing
public officials now and into the future. It will include discussions on unemployment, the
automobile industry, State financial affairs, real estate valuations issues and how all of these
affect future governmental revenues.
Target Audience: Elected Officials, Administrators, Finance Officers
Session 1-B:
Presenter: Phil Bertolini, Deputy County ExecutiveSession 1-C:
Moderator: Laurie Van Pelt, Director of Management & Budget
Description: Tough economic times create great pressures on government budgets. This
session will focus on using technological innovation to change the business process of
government. The content will include: portfolio and project management, return on
investment (ROI) analysis, cost of ownership analysis, cloud computing and collaborative
shared services provided by Oakland County. Attendees will take away tangible
information and processes that can work in any size organization.
Target Audience: Chief Information Officers, Technology Support Staff, Budget Analysts
Presenters: Thomas Eaton, Deputy Director of Human Resources
Session 1-D: CREATING A
Karen Jones: Supervisor of Labor Relations
Moderator: Nancy Scarlet, Director of Human Resources
Description: This session will focus on Oakland County’s long-standing strategies for
collective bargaining (e.g., using pattern bargaining approach, no agency shop, etc.) and
how these strategies have benefitted the County to achieve salary/benefit decreases and
through the mediation and fact finding process.
Target Audience: Administrators, Human Resource Managers
Presenters: Jeff Phelps, Supervisor, Fiscal Services10:00 – 10:15 a.m. BREAK
Dave Nelson, Budget System Coordinator, Fiscal Services
Moderator: Tim Soave, Manager of Fiscal Services
Description: Using existing resources (ledgers, queries, Excel, journals and reports) to
create a Multi-Year budget document.
Target Audience: Finance Officers, Budget System Coordinators, Technology Support Staff
10:15 – 11:05 a.m. Breakout Sessions (second series)
Executive Sessions
Session 2-A:
Presenters: Eric Lupher, Director of Local Affairs, Citizens Research Council of Michigan
Session 2-B:
Judy Fandale, Retirement Administrator, Oakland County Human Resources
Moderator: Laurie Van Pelt, Director of Management & Budget
Description: Today, many government programs are necessarily being cut as a result of
current economic conditions and declining tax revenues. Unfortunately, in the long run,
beyond the immediate financial challenges facing governments, services provided by
governments are in danger of being “crowded out” by OPEB legacy costs, a.k.a. retiree
health care. This session will discuss the magnitude of the problem among various
Michigan counties. Further, examples of Oakland County’s initiatives in this area to control
and fund these legacy costs demonstrate the need for advance planning in order to honor
long-term OPEB commitments.
Target Audience: Elected Officials, Administrators, Human Resource and Benefit Plan
Managers, Finance Officers
Presenters: Dr. Vickie Markavitch, Superintendent, Oakland Intermediate School DistrictTechnical Sessions
Robert Moore, Deputy Superintendent, Oakland ISD
Mike Rangos, Director of Regional Services, Oakland ISD
Description: A critical strategy for surviving these challenging times is to develop a
mindset of abundance – that is believing that one can do more with more – more creativity,
more flexibility, more collaboration/consolidation of services all leading to more value.
Oakland Schools has been working with their local school districts to do just that since
2005. Examples of effective collaborations will be presented, many of which governmental
and non-profit entitities can join.
Target Audience: Elected Officials, School Superintendents and Administrators
Session 2-C:
Presenter: Wm. Art Holdsworth, Director of Facilities Management & Operations
Session 2-D:
Moderator: Gerald D. Poisson, Deputy County Executive
Description: Oakland County’s “green” initiatives will be presented as will the following:
current energy costs and trends; new interactive energy use website; structure of the
County’s Green Team and its success; and energy management procedures. The County’s
OakGreen Challenge Program, OakGreen Advisory Committee, and green vendor database
will be presented. The benefits of collaboration to leverage “green” resources will be
discussed including several examples of the County’s upcoming green initiatives, such as
EECBG projects and a GeoUtility study. Lastly, various approaches to funding green
initiatives will be presented.
Target Audience: Administrators, Facility Managers, Finance Officers
Presenter: Jack Smith, Purchasing Manager
Session 2-E:
Moderator: Robert J. Daddow, Deputy County Executive
Description: An overview of the money and time saving strategies the Oakland County
Purchasing Division has implemented that resulted in savings of over $1 million. Learn
about the County’s cooperative contracts that are available to other governmental units.
Target Audience: Administrators, Finance Officers, Procurement Officers
Presenter: David Hieber, Manager of Equalization11:10 – 11:30 a.m.
Wrap-Up Discussion – Gerald D. Poisson, Deputy County
Moderator: Phil Bertolini, Deputy County Executive
Description: This session will review the current property values within Oakland County
impacting the 2011 assessments, along with the key market indicators that Oakland
Equalization uses to accurately estimate taxable values for future years’ budgeting purposes.
Target Audience: Administrators, Finance Officers, Assessors