Today, following the Senate’s concurrence on Michigan’s omnibus budget that included a “pause and review” provision for Michigan Department of Education’s implementation of Common Core national curriculum standards and the high-stakes testing associated with it, Rep. Tom McMillin said, “Today is a very good day for Michigan citizens, almost all of who did not have the opportunity to weigh in on turning over the standards taught in all of Michigan’s public schools to a national trade association (National Governors Association). They will now have that opportunity as the legislature debates the matter.”
McMillin continued, “It’s pretty surprising that supporters of Common Core and the high-stakes nation test, Smarter Balance, seem scared by the thought of having to defend them. Though, I do understand it must be tough to sell the abdication of education curriculum standards to a national private entity. I certainly look forward to the debate in the coming months. We currently have better math standards in place than Common Core and we can certainly improve our ELA standards without giving the NGA the sole authority to determine and alter them.”
The Omnibus budget now goes to the Governor for his signature.