Preventing Elder Abuse March 20

Prevnt Shines Light On the Dark Reality of Elder Abuse at the Rochester Hills Public Library

The Rochester Hills Public Library proudly partners with the Disability Network Oakland and Macomb to present “Prevent Elder Abuse”, March 20 from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

The Disability Network Oakland and Macomb is offering a new program called PREVNT, dedicated to educating and informing the public on how to recognize high risk situations and prevent elder abuse.

Photo of Gillian Bentley

Gillian Bentley

“PREVNT is all about avoiding high risk situations and learning how you can prevent elder abuse in your family and community. Unfortunately, abuse can happen in all types of relationships, whether it’s a family member, caregiver, or con artists targeting the vulnerable,” said Gillian Bentley, our presenter.

Attendees will learn how they can impact the cycle of elder abuse and protect their valued community and family members.

“We are excited to have Gillian Bentley present the PREVNT program at our library. We are honored to be able to help educate and protect our community,” says Rochester Hills Public Library Community Relations Specialist Amanda Harrison Keighley.

The program is March 20 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room and is open to everyone with an RHPL library card. Please register in advance at

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