Registration for 2013 Brooksie Way Races Now Open

Runners and walkers can save themselves up to $30 on the entry fee by registering early for The Brooksie Way Half Marathon presented by HealthPlus.

Online registration at saves half marathon runners and walkers up to 60 percent off the $75 entry fee charged to those who register on the eve of the Sept. 29 race. Entrants for the 5K and newly added 10K races will also realize significant savings by registering before April 2.

“This is getting to be a much anticipated annual event in Oakland County,” County Executive L. Brooks Patterson said. “I appreciate the ongoing support the community has given the race. It’s a fun and challenging event. At the same time, it allows us to pour thousands of dollars back into the community through programs that promote active and healthy lifestyles.”

The Brooksie Way, celebrating its sixth year, is named in memory of Brooks Stuart Patterson, a young father and the son of the county executive, who died in 2007. Proceeds from the race support The Brooksie Way Minigrant program, which has returned nearly $100,000 in grants to 82 recipients to support local health and fitness activities.

Half marathon participants receive a long-sleeve Brooks apparel technical shirt. Those in the 10K get a long-sleeve cotton T-shirt and 5K participants receive a short-sleeve cotton T-shirt.

The 13.1-mile half marathon course begins and ends at the Meadow Brook Music Festival. It winds through Rochester and Rochester Hills, parts of the Paint Creek Trail and the Clinton River Trail before returning to the campus. The 5k race is contained on the OU campus. The 10K course is awaiting certification. You may walk or run any of the events. A half marathon competitive walk is among the races. There will be entertainment every mile on each course.

The first of the training program, which prepares participants for the various races, begins in March. Contact training coordinator Sue Barnes at for information.

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