Empowering the Community to Fight Back against Cancer and Save Lives
Relay For Life is an event that brings together friends, families, businesses, hospitals, schools, faith-based groups, people from all walks of life – all aimed at celebrating the lives of those who have had cancer, remembering those who have been lost, and fighting back against the disease. The event committee is looking for committee member, walkers, cancer survivors, caregivers, and community leaders – anyone who wants to make a difference.

Relay for Life is a Sign for Hope
“Relay For Life is all about our community uniting together to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays,” said Erin Perrault, event chair. “Volunteers and participants who are willing to give their time and energy to this exciting event are making a commitment to let the Rochester community know that cancer can be defeated.”
This year’s Relay For Life of Greater Rochester will take place on June 18th at SJHMC Rochester Hills Cancer Center at 1901 Star-Batt Drive, Rochester Hills, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and continuing through 12:00 a.m.
The Opening Ceremony, which begins at 10 a.m., brings everyone together for a high-energy event kickoff that celebrates the lives of those who have battled cancer and reminds us all that while we are winning this battle, fighting cancer is a year-round priority.
A special Survivor Ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. and members of the community are encouraged to attend, with special emphasis on cancer survivors and their caregivers. The ceremony is followed by a Victory Lap, where participating cancer survivors are given special t-shirts to wear as they, along with their caregivers, lead a special lap around the track in honor of their triumph over cancer. Through out the event, there will be a survivor tent which will offer both survivors and caregivers an opportunity to experience healing, receive support, and celebrate their collective victory over cancer.
At the heart of this emotional event is the Luminaria Ceremony, which will occur at sundown, approx. 10 p.m.. The luminaries are decorated by participants with the names of family and friends who have faced cancer. The ceremony is followed by a silent lap around the track to honor those who have survived and to remember those we have lost.
Anyone interested in learning more about Relay for Life or in joining a team is encouraged to please contact Rachel Scheich by phone at 248.663.3436 or by email at rachel.scheich@cancer.org or you can visit the website at www.relayforlife.org/rochestermi to get more information on the event, start a team online or make a donation. You can also follow the event on Facebook at “Relay for Life of Greater Rochester.”