If you know me, you know I don’t have much sympathy for Republicans who compromise on our core principles. Republican or Democrat, I call them out when they abandon the cause of limited government, traditional values or reduced taxation.
Ruth Johnson is the real deal.
Her record speaks for itself. As state representative, she consistently opposed fee and tax hikes. She also investigated corruption in our schools and uncovered hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars being spent for personal gain and luxury items.
As County Clerk, Ruth has reduced the size and staff of her department at the same time she has increased services. She has taken on ACORN and beaten them and led the way in making sure our troops can have their votes counted.
Even in the face of all the ugly and unsigned attacks circulating in the last few weeks, Ruth has been focused on the job at hand — beating the Democrats and Jocelyn Benson.
Again, she has shown her fighting spirit and knowledge by exposing the apparent fraudulent candidate filing related to the “Fake” Tea Party. Both the political director and the chairperson of the Oakland County Democratic Party have resigned in the wake of her allegations. Her findings also gave support to the successful move to deny the “Fake” Tea Party a place on the ballot.
We can count on Ruth Johnson to do the right thing and stand up for us.
We can and will win with Ruth. Join me in voting for her Saturday.