Restore, Renew, and Unplug Retreat

Oakland University (OU) to Host Mindfulness Retreat June 27

Would you like to slow down your world and experience being in the present moment? Take time to pause and breathe in peace and calm? Engage in a series of mindfulness activities that are designed to support you?

Oakland University’s School of Education and Human Services, in partnership with the university’s Professional and Continuing Education department, is hosting a Mindfulness Retreat to be held on its Rochester campus on Tuesday, June 27. This day of mindfulness practice is designed for anyone who wants to enter into stillness and be involved with mindfulness practice. The event runs from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Pawley Hall.

Dr. Caryn Wells

Dr. Caryn Wells

The Mindfulness Retreat is for beginners or people with a history of mindfulness practice; we will begin with some of the basics, and proceed to practicing together. This retreat is a time to push the pause button and allow some spaciousness in your world. It is a day without the usual interruptions and rush. As with other mindfulness workshops, we will spend some time in active learning and practice.

Some of the meditations that will be practiced: 

  • Relaxation
  • Letting go
  • Being fully present
  • Breathing (finding your anchor)

Dr. Caryn Wells will facilitate this workshop. She has presented workshops in Mindfulness basics, Mindfulness with Self-Compassion, Mindfulness for Educational Leaders, and Mindfulness for Mental Health Practitioners. She teaches mindfulness practice to graduate students in her classes, and introductions to doctoral and medical students at Oakland University. She has had extensive training in mindfulness practice.

Participants can earn state continuing education clock hours (SCECHs) for attending the retreat.

For more information, visit the event web page or contact Kelly Quintana, assistant program coordinator, at or (248) 370-3997. Sign up for the retreat at the registration web page.

Another event, “Mindfullness for School Leaders” is scheduled for Thursday, June 29 at Oakland University. To learn more, visit the event web page.

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