Riverstrings Concert to Benefit Meals on Wheels

Older Person’s Commission (OPC) Welcomes Riverstrings June 9

Enjoy a musical evening with Riverstrings on June 9 at 7:00 p.m. to  support Meals on Wheels. This event is open to the public and features a Family Fun Sing-A-Long. Riverstrings is comprised of a group of 27 musicians playing the mountain dulcimer, violin, guitar, banjo, dulciborn, penny whistle, marimbula, bongos and kazoos. Tickets are $10 per person. Call 248-608-0251 for more information. Held in the OPC Cattell Auditorium.

Riverstrings Concert to Benefit Meals on Wheels

Riverstrings Concert to Benefit Meals on Wheels

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