According to a recent press release, the following projects may cause traffic delays on Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) roads between April 23 and April 30 or may start shortly thereafter.
It is RCOC’s goal to conduct road improvement projects in a way that interferes with traffic as little as possible. This list includes both Road Commission projects and projects conducted by others, under permit, on roads under the jurisdiction of the Road Commission.
Please note: This information is subject to change. Projects can change from day to day, and traffic delays can develop in a matter of minutes due to weather, emergency situations, etc.
Asterisks next to projects denote new projects or a change since last week.
ROAD: Avon Road, Crooks Road to Livernois Road
Project: This section of Avon is closed while RCOC resurfaces the road. During the closure, there are two detour routes for through traffic: Crooks to Hamlin to Livernois and back to Avon and vice versa and Adams to Walton to Livernois and back to Avon and vice versa.
Community: Rochester Hills
Completion Date: By July 1
ROAD: Tienken Road, Livernois Road to Rochester Road
Project: Beginning in early May, RCOC will close this section of Tienken to reconstruct and widen the road (from two lanes to three, adding a continuous center left-turn lane). The detour route for through traffic will be Rochester Road to University Drive to Adams and back to Tienken and vice versa.
Community: Rochester Hills
Completion Date: Nov. 15
*ROAD: Dequndre Road between Avon and Parkdale roads
Project: The Clinton River Trail Authority will close this section of Dequindre Road from April 28 through May 16 to construct a pedestrian safety refuge island in the road. During the closure, the detour route for through traffic will be 23 Mile Road to Shelby Road to 24 Mile Road and back to Dequindre and vice versa.
Community: On the Rochester/Shelby Twp. border
Completion Date: Approximately May 16