Roadwork updates for Tienken, Crooks projects

The City of Auburn Hills is set to repave Tienken Road from Squirrel to the Rochester Hills city limit. Beginning Wednesday, August 8, Tienken will be one way eastbound for four weeks. The posted detour route is Tienken to Adams to Walton to Squirrel. Information regarding the project as work progresses will be posted at

In Rochester Hills, Crooks Road reconstruction is underway from Star Batt to Hamlin. The Road Commission for Oakland County will reconstruct and widen this segment of Crooks to five lanes. The road will be closed to through traffic during portions of the project, though access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times.

The project includes concrete curbs and gutters and storm sewers where needed to provide proper drainage. A pedestrian pathway will be constructed to fill in gaps in the existing pathway.

Road closure north of Hamlin is tentatively scheduled for August 11 – October 15. Road closure south of Hamlin is scheduled for September 24.  The schedule calls for the road to open to one lane in both directions October 12.
The suggested northbound detour is Auburn to Adams to Avon.  The suggested southbound detour is Avon to Adams to Auburn.

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