From new shoes and clothes to school supplies, a new backpack, and more, kindergarten is a big day for children of all nationalities and backgrounds. In her debut book of the series, Nyla’s First Day of Kindergarten, Nyla Johnson chronicles one little girl’s journey from daycare to full-time school. From meeting her teacher and making new friends, to playground fun and reading new books, join Nyla and friends on her first day’s journey into the world of kindergarten.
Nyla, who will be a fifth grader in the 2022-2023 school year at Hugger Elementary in Rochester, has been fortunate to have her books distributed at all Meijer stores across the five-state region. When she’s not writing or reading, she loves riding her hoverboard, roller skating, and playing with friends outdoors. An entrepreneur at heart, Nyla also has her own dog walking business, where she fulfills her passion for four-legged friends while helping others in and around the community. Nyla is also currently working on her second book project, set to be released in the fall of 2022.
Readers of all ages can also order copies at
kudos to this young author!
Congratulations! This is wonderful!