Rochester Adams receives Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs minigrant

Oakland County Arts, Culture & Film, through the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA), awarded over $13,000 for arts projects and professional development to six local organizations.

Oakland County is the local administrator of the MCACA Minigrant program, which awards project grants of up to $4,000 to Michigan nonprofit organizations for high quality, locally developed projects that increase public access to art and culture. New this year is funding of up to $1,500 for professional and operational development for nonprofit arts organizations and arts professionals. The funding is designed to strengthen the administrative infrastructure of arts organizations to operate in Michigan.

The recipients are:

Adams Parents for Instrumental Music at Rochester Adams High School, Rochester Hills – Awarded: $1,250

The group is hosting a residency project with Pro Musica of Detroit and classical guitarist Dimitris Kotronakis in spring 2013 at Rochester Adams High School.

Birmingham Education Foundation, Birmingham – Awarded: $2,500

The minigrant will support in-school residency activities with Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings in the Birmingham Public Schools during the 2012-13 school year. The activities will occur at Groves and Seaholm High Schools.

Mary Helen Guest Elementary, Walled Lake – Awarded: $2,500

The minigrant will fund a songwriting residency that will bring Michigan Emmy-award winning songwriter and musician Kitty Donohoe to the school in January to write songs with fifth grade students. The project, “Singing Family Tree,” is based on oral histories collected by the students.

Troy School District, Troy – Awarded: $3,000

The district presents Kids n’ Motion by the Eisenhower Dance Ensemble. The interactive lecture/demonstrations will introduce dance and creative movement to 1,600 elementary students.

Waterford Kettering High School, Waterford – Awarded: $3,000

The award will fund a two-day artistic residency for middle and high school band students in spring 2013 by the Motor City Brass Band. Professional guest clinician David Ammer will conduct master classes and coaching sessions.

Stagecrafters, Royal Oak – Awarded: $893

The minigrant will fund administrative professional development for Stagecrafters employees.

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