Rochester Area Prayer Breakfast May 3

The Rochester Area Prayer Breakfast will be held on Thursday, May 3, at the Oakland University Athletics Center O’Rena. The Prayer Breakfast is held in recognition of the National Day of Prayer, bringing together people of different backgrounds and affiliations for the betterment of the community, the state, and the nation. This years’ theme is Unity based upon Ephesians 4:3 which challenges us to mobilize unified public prayer for America, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

Bob smiling holding balloons in one hand

Bob Goff founder and Chief Executive Officer of Restore International

This year, the speaker is Bob Goff founder and Chief Executive Officer of Restore International, now known as Love Does, a non-profit fighting injustices committed against children in Uganda and India. With a passion and vision for finding audacious ways to restore justice to children and the poorest of the poor, Love Does’ mission is to make a difference on behalf of those who do not otherwise have a voice. The U.S. Department of State recognizes Goff as a diplomat and he is known as an Honorary Consul for the Republic of Uganda due to his work with Restore International.

Goff is the author of best selling book Love Does. His newest book, Everybody Always: Becoming Love in a World full of Setbacks and Difficult People, will be released April 17. “People come to hear Bob’s magnetic, hopeful and unbelievable stories and leave with dozens of friends that feel as close as family,” said Jason Russell, Founder of Broomstick Engine.

To join us for this event visit or contact the Rochester Regional Chamber of Commerce at 248-651-6700.

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