Rochester Election Choices 2013

Election Time for the City of Rochester

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, this year. Voters will go to the polls to pick from a slate of five candidates for city council. Rochester Media reached out to those running for office to offer readers a chance to get to know the candidates before the election.

Rob Ray for Rochester City Council

Rob Ray for Rochester City Council

Rochester City Council Candidates

Currently, Rob Ray serves on the Historical Commission for the city of Rochester. “As a neighbor, I share the same community values and traditions that make Rochester such a great place to live. As a candidate for City Council, I believe it’s critical that we preserve our fiscal responsibility by advocating for low taxes, maintain a balanced budget and increase government efficiency wherever possible  We also need to continue to keep our community safe by supporting local police, fire, paramedic and rapid emergency response services. Lastly, I support strengthening our community by encouraging creative business growth and helping to enhance the quality of community life.”

Ann M. Peterson serves on the City Beautiful Commission for the city of Rochester. “I am running for City Council to bring increased action and communication to the community of Rochester. I am ambitious in moving our city forward. I have a great interest in helping shape policies and decision-making on behalf of our residents.”

The current mayor, Stuart Bikson, is seeking another term. “I am running for reelection to the city council because I believe I can provide the city leadership and experience to continue to move the city forward. I want to continue to keep taxes low, support our police and fire department and continue to provide quality essential city services. These are my goals if I am reelected.” First elected to city council in 1999, Mayor Bikson has served five consecutive terms and has been mayor from 2006-2007 and from 2011-present.

Jeffrey T. Cuthbertson is the current Mayor Pro Tem. “I am a lifetime resident of the Rochester-area and have had the honor of serving my community on City Council for two terms and as Mayor during several of those years. Growing up here was a tremendous privilege and I want all Rochester families, including mine, to have the same benefit of a community with a strong sense of place, stability, and historical roots. I am running for re-election to help make sure that the City has experienced and results-driven leadership that maintains fiscal discipline while growing and planning for the future.”

Another councilmember, Cathy Daldin, is also asking voters for another term. “The last 2 years on City Council I have worked hard, asked tough questions and made good decisions for the city. I feel there is so much more for me to accomplish on council. The city is positioned to lower taxes, improve our water system and encourage development. My goal is to continue to build on our strengths and capitalize on opportunities to position Rochester as an even better place to live, work and play.”

How it Works

Voters will be asked to “vote for not more than 4” for city council. Since there are five candidates, the three highest vote totals will receive four-year terms and fourth highest will receive a two-year term. The candidate with the least number of votes gets to congratulate the other four.

About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

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