Rochester Garden Club Awards Two College Scholarships

The Rochester Garden Club takes great pride and joy in helping two of our extraordinary graduating high school seniors reach their goal to pursue environmental studies in college. This year, two students each received a $1500 scholarship in support of these goals. This year the scholarship winners are Kyle Keipper from Rochester Adams High School and Lindsey Gleason from Rochester High School.

Kyle leans a railing looking forward and Lindsey sits cross-legged on the grass.
Scholarship winners Kyle Keipper from Rochester Adams High School and Lindsey Gleason from Rochester High School

Kyle is majoring in Engineering Physics with a focus on Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan. His goal is to design and create sustainable cities and infrastructure. Kyle was very active in the Robotic Team at Adams High, helped students through a tutoring program and won a varsity letter in track and field. Kyle credits his Environmental Studies teacher, Mrs. Branoff, who inspired him to enter this line of studies.

Lindsey will also attend the University of Michigan with a major in Environmental Studies. She was very active at Rochester High, with roles in the “Girl Up Club”, the National English Honor Society, Rotary Interact as well as in many sports including lacrosse, basketball and volleyball. She volunteered with the Grenz4Green environmental group, raising over $1000 for the Michigan Sierra Club. Lindsey credits Mr. Shurter, her Environmental Studies teacher, for exposing her to the field. She especially enjoyed the Clinton River water quality field trip for piquing her interest.

Funds for these college scholarships and all the other charitable donations made by the Rochester Garden Club are from the annual Gifts and Greens Market, a Rochester holiday tradition for over 70 years. This year the market will be held at Abiding Presence Lutheran Church on Walton Blvd.

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