The Rochester Garden Club recently contributed funding to five local organizations for various activities and projects that support environmental education. Two Rochester middle school science departments were the recipients of $1,000 each for equipment to conduct scientific tests primarily relating to water quality in the Clinton River Watershed. Science teachers Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Trudeau at West, and Ms. Steffes and Ms. Moore at Reuther are delighted to learn they will now have the funds to purchase water monitoring kits, waders, aquatic bug collecting nets, thermometers, dissolved oxygen test kits, and other equipment to help perform the various chemical and physical tests. “Every year the eighth grade students spend half a day testing water quality at Paint Creek in Rochester Park and run true scientific tests. Results are sent to the Clinton River Watershed organization for their data base. This grant will really help us give the kids the tools they need”, said Mr. Carmichael.

West Middle School receive grant from Rochester Garden Club with Abby Buchanan , Justin Carmichael , Sue Dobbelstein and Ben Zuckerberg
Seven Ponds Nature Center in Dryden will use their $500 donation to build a new “Touch Table” for pre-school age children using wood from the type of native trees that are found at the Nature Center. This gift will also allow for the purchase of educational materials for use on the table.
The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm was awarded $1,500 for multiple purchases: a new permanent Christmas tree and ornaments to replace the tree that has been part of their holiday decorations for over 20 years; a cart to be used to transport equipment and tools to the Children’s Garden; and the purchase of materials used for the many educational programs held in the garden each summer.
The Food Pantry Garden at the First Congregational Church in Rochester was presented with $100 toward the purchase of seeds, plants and other items used in the garden where vegetables are grown each year for the Food Pantry.
These contributions are made possible through the fund raising activities of the Rochester Garden Club. Proceeds from the annual Greens Market and the Rochester Garden Walk are returned to the community in various forms. In addition to the grants that support environmental education, the club supports college scholarships, and 4-H camp scholarships, the Children’s Garden at Van Hoosen Farm, and work toward the beautification of the community. Learn more about the Rochester Garden Club at and “Like” us on Facebook.