Rochester Garden Club Funds Four Scholarships for 4-H Summer Camp

The Rochester Garden Club has initiated a new scholarship program for qualified eighth graders in the Rochester School district. Working in partnership with the Michigan 4-H organization and the Michigan State University Extension Service, the club sent its first scholarship recipient to the weeklong 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp in northern Michigan this past summer.

The 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp in Northern Michigan educates Campers about a variety of hands-on outdoor experiences

The 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp in Northern Michigan educates Campers about a variety of hands-on outdoor experiences

Chloe Schultz was an eighth grade student at West Middle School and was thrilled to be selected to attend the camp. She had many wonderful experiences and especially liked learning about underwater robots, birds and how they live, survival techniques including wild edible plants, charter fishing, how foresters do their jobs, and seeing the clear night sky. She made many long lasting friendships.

The Rochester Garden Club awarded Chloe Schultz, a West Middle School student, with a scholarship to attend the 4-H camp

The Rochester Garden Club awarded Chloe Schultz, a West Middle School student, with a scholarship to attend the 4-H camp

“I would definitely recommend this camp to other eighth graders,” said Chloe. “It was one of the best weeks of my life. If you love environmental science or science in general, you will love this camp!” Designed to give campers an appreciation of the outdoors, the camp has a particular focus on the Great Lakes ecology and develops scientifically based environmental knowledge.

This year the Rochester Garden Club will offer four similar, full-scholarships to middle school students from Rochester Community Schools to the camp in Presque Isle Michigan, held July 30 through August 5. Interested students should speak to their counselor or science teacher for more information. Information can be found at 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp.


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