A former Rochester High School student, Richard Armstrong, is scheduled to receive his diploma Monday, February 9, at 7:00 p.m., during the Board of Education meeting at the Rochester Community Schools Administration Building, 501 W. University Drive.
“We are extremely honored to be celebrating this occasion with Mr. Armstrong,” said Rochester Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Robert Shaner. “There is a definite pride and sense of accomplishment that comes with receiving a diploma.”
Armstrong left high school in 1954 to serve in the United States Air Force during the Korean Conflict. He earned his GED (General Education Development) credential in 1957.
Armstrong got the idea to look into the possibility of obtaining his high school diploma when he read a story about a man in a similar situation. “When I read in the paper that another guy got his diploma, I said, ‘that’s the same story as me, I think I’ll call the school,’ ” Armstrong explained.
Michigan Legislature, Public Act 181 of 2001 as amended, authorizes school boards to award a high school diploma in certain circumstances to Michigan WWII, Korean, and Vietnam-era Veterans, the press release said.
Armstrong served in the Air Force for four years before he was honorably discharged. After that time, he worked as a carpenter building homes. He is currently retired.
“I have no use for the diploma other than to get it; but my wife thinks it’s pretty neat,” Armstrong said.
Armstrong has been married to his wife, Marlene, for 56 years. Together, they have three children, Richard, Marlisa, and Eric.