Rochester Hills celebrates National Library Week

This week, the Rochester Hills Public Library joins libraries in communities nationwide in celebrating National Library Week, a time to highlight the value of libraries, librarians and library workers.  Several free programs and events are scheduled during the week.

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April.

Libraries today are more than repositories for books and other resources. Often the hearts of their communities, libraries are deeply committed to the places where their patrons live, work and study.  Public libraries are trusted places where everyone in the community can gather to reconnect and reengage with each other to enrich and shape the community and address local issues.

The Library facilitates this interaction through a robust offering of educational and entertainment programs for people of all ages.  Programs at the Rochester Hills Public Library planned for National Library Week include:

April 15     

10:00 a.m.            Behind the Scenes Tour of the Library

April 16  

10:00 a.m.            English Learners conversation group

1:00 p.m.            Genealogy club

6:30 p.m.            Paws for Reading (children read to a dog)

7:00 p.m.            English Learners conversation group

7:00 p.m.            How to download books, music and more

7:00 p.m.            The Kirtland’s Warbler: MI’s Special Bird

April 17        

10:00 a.m.            Between the Lines book discussion

7:00 p.m.              Teen Dungeons and Dragons

April 18 

10:00 a.m.            Newcomers book discussion

6:30 p.m.              Movie showing of Miss Representation

7:00 p.m.             Family storytime

April 20   

10:00 a.m.         English Learners conversation group

11:00 a.m.           Lego-Time

2:30 p.m.            Teen writers’ workshop

Registration is required and open to those with a Rochester Hills Public library card. To register, go to or call 248-656-2900.

In addition to celebrating our physical library location, this year, the Rochester Hills Public features online resources found in the Library’s eBranch (  The eBranch is an online branch that’s open 24/7.  The Library provides eBooks, audiobooks, and free downloadable music to all residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township.  Starting in May, the library will add Zinio an online newsstand. Zinio is the ultimate app for magazine lovers, with digital magazines for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac & PC.  “This free service will allow library card holders to read hundreds of magazines on their own devices anywhere, anytime”, said Adult Services Manager Rebekah Craft.

Librarians work with elected officials, small business owners, students and the public at large to discover what their communities needs are and meet them.  Whether through offering ebooks and technology classes, materials for English-language learners, programs for job seekers or those to support early literacy, librarians listen to the community they serve, and they respond.

“Service to the community has always been the focus of the library,” said library director Christine Lind Hage. “While this aspect has never changed, libraries have grown and evolved in how they provide for the needs of every member of their community.”  Celebrate National Library Week, and you’ll discover the best story in the library *is* the library.

The Rochester Hills Public Library is located in downtown Rochester off of University Drive and 3 blocks east of Main Street.  The library is open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturday and from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays.


About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at

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