Rochester Hills Hosts Fifth Annual Green Space Discovery Hike

The Rochester Hills Green Space Advisory Board (GSAB) will host the Fifth Annual Discovery Hike on Saturday, May 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A free one-hour, guided hike will showcase city-owned parcels along the Clinton River between Crooks and Adams Roads.

The press release stated that residents and guests are invited to experience nature in full bloom. “This is a great opportunity for residents to see first-hand what we have been able to accomplish with the use of the Green Space Millage,” states Mayor Bryan K. Barnett.

GSAB members and volunteers will host information stations for hikers to learn about plants, animals, ecology, and the history of the city-owned open spaces. Presentations regarding invasive plants and challenges in land preservation will also be featured.

Those interested in attending can begin the hike at the parking lot of Riverbend Park, 2800 W. Hamlin Road. As an added bonus, hikers can nominate a name for the three ponds on site and complete an “I Spy” Nature Challenge. Maps and special giveaways will be available.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parks & Forestry Department at 248-656-4673 or e-mail

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