Rochester Hills Museum Presents Smart Towns Agent of Change

Smart Towns – Agent of Change: William Austin Burt

Tuesday, September 11

7:00 p.m.

Museum Members Free; Non-Members $5

Smart Towns is a lifelong learning program for everyone in the community, led by educational, non-profit organizations including the Rochester Hills Museum. Smart Towns’ “partners” work together to provide a unique series of programs exploring one period in history for one year. The theme for 2018 is Agents of Change.

Old Black and White Photo of William Austin Burt

William Austin Burt

Imagine a world without the discovery of iron ore in the Upper Peninsula, the solar compass or the equatorial sextant, used to determine the location of a ship at sea or the typewriter and, subsequent, keyboard. William Austin Burt inventor, surveyor and millwright, is known as the “father of the typewriter” and invented the first workable solar compass, and the equatorial sextant. He also discovered the Marquette Iron Ore Range in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in 1844.

Join Museum Manager Patrick McKay and learn the fascinating story of this amazing local man, who achieved his desire to be useful to mankind and about the products of his life’s work that were Agents of Change.

The Rochester Hills Museum is located at 1005 Van Hoosen Road, off Tienken Road between Rochester and Dequindre Roads. The Museum is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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