ROCHESTER NEWCOMERS AND NEIGHBORS CLUB invites new and existing residents of Rochester, Rochester Hills and surrounding areas to our general meeting. Rose Small the “Ladies on the Go” coordinator will be speaking about her knowledge for planning day trips throughout Michigan. Come join us and let us inform you on how our group can assist you with making new friendships through our monthly and weekly programs. Some of our activities and groups include “Mom & Tots”, “Ladies on the Go”, “Evening Book Group” and “Dine-Abouts”. We also offer activities such as “Friday at the Movies”, “Queen Cuisine”, “Ladies night out” and “Let’s do Lunch”. If you can not attend our general meeting, please look for our announcements in the local publications or on our website for the “Welcome Coffee” meetings.
The general meeting will be held on February 6th from 1-3pm at the Rochester Hills Public Library in the Multi purpose room. (Not sponsored or endorsed by the Rochester Hills Library). For more information go to our website or leave a message at (248) 805-1385. Hope to see you there and welcome to the neighborhood.

About Tom and Ann Gendich

Founders of Rochester Media. Looking to provide great local news to all people in and around Rochester and Rochester Hills. Send them a note at

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