(ROCHESTER, MICH.) – With a new year, the Rochester Rotary Club continues to host new speakers at its weekly luncheons. Guest speakers from the Oakland County area with a variety of distinctive backgrounds and affiliations will speak to attendees each week. The first speaker of the new year on Jan. 4 was Bryan Dykstra of Software Solutions, providing an “IT Update.”

Meetings are at noon every Tuesday. Unless otherwise noted, they are at Rivercrest Banquet Center, 900 W. Avon Road in Rochester Hills.

January’s series will continue with the following speakers:


Jan. 11

Lynn Orfgen

Of Crittenton Hospital Medical Center

Jan. 18

Rochester Rotary Accountants

“Taxes and Accounting Q&A”

The Rochester Rotary Club is one of more than 32,000 Rotary clubs and 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide. The group of roughly 100 professional men and women from the Rochester community strive to live out Rotary International’s motto of “service above self,” enriching the lives of world neighbors, city youth and people with disabilities every day.

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