(ROCHESTER, MICH.) – The Rochester Rotary Club invites the community to mark their calendar for its October Tuesday luncheons, featuring distinct guest speakers from the Oakland County area. Held at Rivercrest Banquet Center in Rochester Hills every Tuesday at noon, the speakers for October will be:

Oct. 5, 2010
Craig Thiel
“Michigan Finances — Citizens Research Council of Michigan”

Oct. 12, 2010
Jeanette Pierce
Director, “Inside Detroit”

Oct. 19, 2010
Mary Grace McCarter
Director, Rainbow Connection

Oct. 26, 2010
Steve Harms
“Overview of Credit and Collections”
The Rochester Rotary Club is just one of more than 32,000 Rotary clubs and 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide. The group of roughly 100 professional men and women from the Rochester, Mich. community strive to live out Rotary International’s motto of “service above self,” enriching the lives of world neighbors, city youth and people with disabilities ever day.
For more information on guest speakers and becoming a member of the Rochester Rotary, visit 

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