A group of local parents and non-profits have partnered to arrange for a presentation by Pam Stenzel, an internationally known abstinence speaker and former crisis pregnancy counselor, on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rochester High School Auditorium. This free, community-wide event is open to all teens and parents in the area.
Today’s teenagers are facing consequences of sexually transmitted diseases that teens from previous generations couldn’t even imagine. Using her insight, humor, passion and personal experience, she will warn teens of the dangers of sexual activity outside of the marriage relationship. Pam’s straight talk empowers youth with the truth about sex and its consequences, encouraging them to make healthy, responsible decisions. Armed with the facts, students will never again have to say, “…but no one ever told me.” Because Pam’s speaking style is blunt and straight-forward, please consider the maturity of your younger teens before bringing them. The suggested age group is 7th grade and older.
This is not a district-sponsored event. Please contact Suzette at (248) 651-5661 for more information.
Pam Stenzel reaches over 500,000 teens in person each year, and millions through her videos. Visit her website at Pam Stenzel.com for more information. http://pamstenzel.com/