Rochester Writers’ Conference returns Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Writer’s Voice
The theme to the fifth annual Rochester Writers’ Conference is The Writer’s Voice. “A writer’s style, hook, play with words and more create a unique voice,” states Michael Dwyer, founder and organizer of the event held at Oakland University in Rochester. “Besides crafting a tone that readers will recognize, writers need to develop diverse approaches to different writing projects.”
The conference will also examine platform and business strategies for self promotion both online and offline. Sylvia Hubbard from the Motown Writers’ Network will present a session on blogging; and Lisa Howard, culinary writer and speaker, will discuss ways to make money and to promote you in the community.
The Creative Side
Workshops for poetry and fiction will help writers be creative, find new direction and complete projects. Christine Rhein will present a session for the poet and Kelly Fordon will conduct a workshop called Who’s on First, for attendees to consider first person vs. third person avenues when crafting a story. Both women are new presenters to the conference.
John D. Lamb was keynote speaker for the event in 2010. He returns this year to conduct a workshop on how to host an open mic and how to make an open mic night work best when performing. Poets and songwriters will benefit from John’s workshop and attendees will have a chance to try out these principles in the session.
Get Published
Presentations for both traditional publishing and self published will be offered. Steven Harper Piziks, a Michigan author, will go over the Nuts & Bolts of publishing your novel. Also, acquisitions editor, Dawne Prochilo will be talking about the best ways a find a publisher that is right for you.
Self publishing is a growing industry. Print on demand books and eBooks continue to gain value and market share. What do you need to know to self publish a novel or a collection of poems? A panel will offer insight and tips to this expanding world of publishing.
The early bird rate is $99, same as it has been since 2008. Purchase online or by mail by September 30 to qualify for the good price. Starting October 1, the rate increases to $125, still lower than most conferences of this nature. All sessions, keynote, lunch and all day refreshments are included in the price. Oakland university offers free, convenient parking and is easy to get to.
A full list of the presenters and presentations is available at the Rochester Writers’ Conference website, and secure payment options are easy to find there as well. Contact Michael Dwyer at 248-651-6869 for more information.