On January 3, 2013 we welcomed a sweet little girl into our family. This was my second pregnancy and I felt certain that I would be more calm and relaxed than my first pregnancy. Wrong. I was a basket case. I’m not sure if it was because I had too much information at my fingertips or because I had heard so many sad and tragic stories. I think the biggest reason is that because I already had a child I knew how much I would love this second one and how devastating a loss would be. That being said I was already on edge and then all these bizarre things kept happening to me during the pregnancy. I want to introduce to you the amazing doctors and nurses who put up with my hundreds of questions during the last ten months.
Upon discovering that I was pregnant last May, I called my doctor and set up the necessary appointments for those beginning days. My doctor, Dr. Dawn Goulding, is one of the amazing doctors at Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynecology, PC. I’m not going to lie. I was pretty excited to see her and not just because I was pregnant but because she’s a great person. Actually, all of the doctors are. I would have been happy with any of them delivering my children.
Dr. Duff put up with me when I shocked myself turning on the garbage disposal with wet hands. I was only 10 weeks pregnant and my husband and I were going to tell our families the big news that weekend. Of course I was convinced that the shock was going to make me lose the baby. I went into the office and I thought I would be chastised for being a hypochondriac but Dr. Duff consoled me and said, “Let’s do an ultrasound so you can see that beating heart. We just want you to feel better and relieved.” The ultrasound showed that sweet little beating heart and I did feel better. Whew.
When I was 15 weeks pregnant, I drank dirt. How did that you happen, you might ask. Well, I was sitting outside drinking a glass of water, watching my son dig in the dirt. He threw a giant shovelful in my direction, filling part of my glass with dirt. Being in the haze of pregnancy sickness and exhaustion I drank it. Not just a sip, but the whole glass. Who does that? Who is so out of it that they drink dirt? Apparently me. The second question you might ask is why does this matter. This matters because tiny organisms can live in the dirt called Toxoplasma cysts, which can have devastating effects on an unborn child. So naturally after I drank the dirt I panicked and called my doctor. I spoke with Beth, one of the nurses that I spoke to almost every day during my pregnancy. (We’re pretty much BFF by now.) She reassured me that it was unlikely that anything had been transmitted and most people were immune to toxoplasmosis due to eating and playing in dirt as children. She could sense my high level of anxiety so she talked to my doctor and we scheduled an appointment to have me tested. Luckily, Beth was right and I did not have toxoplasmosis. The nurses, Beth and Joann, are another huge reason why I love Contemporary OB/GYN so much. They answered so many questions for me and never ever made me feel like the dramatic crazy pregnant lady that I was. They reassured me, scheduled appointments when necessary and pretty much walked and talked me through any situation that I questioned.
Then over Thanksgiving, I was happily crunching ice while walking through the mall with my family. My mom has always said that crunching ice would crack out my fillings. I have crunched ice for years and never have I cracked out a filling. Not only did I crack out a filling, but also I swallowed it. Over Thanksgiving weekend. While I was in Ohio. I mean, seriously, what are the chances? So once again I called the doctor and lucky for me Dr. Goulding was on call that day. She didn’t laugh at me or brush me off but reassured me that everything was fine. When I expressed annoyance with myself for being so sensitive she empathized and said, “Don’t worry. I’ve diagnosed myself with death many times so I completely understand.” Her compassion is never ending!
My labor and delivery with my first child was slightly traumatizing for me. I was induced, in labor the entire day and then rushed to the operating room for an unexpected cesarean. It was so scary for me, but Dr. Goulding held my hand and encouraged me until it was time for her to begin the surgery (My husband could not be present until I was completely prepped for surgery). Needless to say, I really did not want to experience a second cesarean. However, it was not a reasonable option for me to avoid another one. Dr. Goulding took the time to answer every question and address each concern I had regarding this second cesarean. She walked me through every minute of the birth of this child. I was so nervous because of my first experience. This second surgery was so much easier, just as she had said. I am so thankful for her knowledge and ability to care for my children and me during pregnancy.
Another thing that I absolutely love about this doctor’s office is that the location is so close to downtown Rochester. They are located just across from Crittenton Hospital, on the backside of the strip that has Jimmy John’s, Buffalo Wild Wings and Pei Wei. The parking is great and I never struggle to find a spot. Plus, if you time your appointment right then you have an excuse for a yummy lunch stop!
Other perks are the wonderful receptionists who are always helpful and friendly. They would often give my son stickers when we would go to appointments with me. That’s a big deal when you’re three years old! The website is easy to navigate and filled with tons of information. You can find out more about each doctor and their specialties as well as their educational background. They have a Women’s Health Library tab that covers subjects from general health to breastfeeding to family planning. You can visit their website at www.ContemporaryDoctors.com. All contact information can be located on their home page. There are three different offices. The Rochester office number is (248) 656-2022.
I highly recommend this doctor’s office. You will receive amazing care not only from the doctors, but from the nurses and receptionists as well. The location is convenient and easily accessible. I hope that at the very least you take a look at their website, as it is easy to use and provides great information regarding a variety of concerns for women. I think you will be impressed!