Neighborhood House Invites Runners to Scare Away Hunger
Runners will take their marks on Sunday, October 23, and race to the finish line in an effort to help local families and individuals in need.

Scare Away Hunger 5K Run
This year, Neighborhood House is hosting their 6th annual Scare Away Hunger family-friendly, 5k walk/run event at the Rochester College campus in Rochester Hills. Participants will sprint past the bright colors of early fall, over rivers, and along wooded ponds as they follow the trail through the chip-timed course.
“It is enticing for runners to come out and want to win and compete, but it is also very family friendly, a lot of strollers, a lot of walkers. Just a great activity to get the community behind Neighborhood House,” said Lisa Drake, the course coordinator.

Scare Away Hunger 2015
Scare Away Hunger is the main fundraising event for Neighborhood House, accounting for nearly 10% of the organization’s program budget. Thousands of area people seek financial assistance for everyday necessities such as rent, food, and clothing from the charity group each year.
“We keep saying support Neighborhood House, but who we really want support for is our neighbors who are in need for many different reasons,” said Sally Anglim, Scare Away Hunger event coordinator. “Coming out and running in the race is supporting someone who maybe just lost their job after never having to worry about putting food on their table.”

Annual Run For Neighborhood House
Corporate benefactors are also encouraged to participate in making donations to the cause. Eagle Ottawa, a supplier of automobile leather, and Chief Credit Union recently became Platinum Sponsors.
“Sponsors in the past have played a big part in helping our neighbors in need by assisting us in providing programs that in 2015 alone helped 3000 families in the greater Rochester and Auburn Hills area,” Anglim said.
Runners and their families are invited to participate in games, crafts, and other fun activities throughout the event.
Check-in begins on the Rochester College campus, 800 W. Avon Road, at 2:00 p.m. with the race starting at 3:00 p.m., October 23,2016.

participate in games, crafts, and other fun activities
For more information, go to:
Rochester Area Neighborhood House is a private, non-profit human service organization that services any qualifying families in need from Rochester, Rochester Hills, Auburn Hills, Oakland Township, and Addison Township. The agency mission is to assist the community during times of hardship, partnering with the community and other social service providers to help struggling individuals and families move toward self-sufficiency. The community is invited to call 248-651-5836 or visit to receive more information about programs sponsored by Neighborhood House.