Santa Painting and More at the Friendship Factory in Rochester

Santa Painting at the Friendship Factory

Located in downtown Rochester, the Friendship Factory is producing bracelets, buttons, and barrettes—mostly by young girls—by crafting friendship and fun at the same time.

Santa Painting - Photo Courtesy of The Friendship Factory

Santa Painting – Photo Courtesy of The Friendship Factory

This Friday, a local artist will teach kids ages seven and older how to create a unique piece of art—perfect for a gift this holiday season—with paint and canvas. While Santa is the subject, fun and creativity is the goal.

After Christmas

Similar to the Santa painting event, the Winter Owl Painting evening promises to be just as fun. Also for ages seven and older, artists receive guided instruction and materials for $25 per person.

Anytime Craft Studio

In addition to holiday events, such as painting owls and Santa, they have other crafty ideas to help keep kids busy while school is out.

The anytime craft studio is available to make friendship bracelets and more, by using their patented designed products.

The Friendship Factory sells all their signature craft kits - the same ones used in the store - for kids of all ages - photo by Michael Dwyer

The Friendship Factory sells all their signature craft kits – the same ones used in the store – for kids of all ages – photo by Michael Dwyer

These handy, travel-ready kits are up-and-running for drop-in creators of craft art. They are also available to purchase to take home, take on road, or anywhere kids want to express themselves.

The Choose Friendship Idea

David Crorey, a retired auto executive from Clinton Township, was babysitting his granddaughters in 2009. They made a mess making friendship bracelets and Crorey thought there had to be a better way to do this.

After several prototypes, a toy fair, and a holiday show on a shopping network, the Choose Friendship Company was selling kits at several major craft stores, such as Michaels and Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft.

My Friendship Bracelet Maker is a complete kit for home or at the anytime craft studio in Downtown Rochester - photo by Michael Dwyer

My Friendship Bracelet Maker is a complete kit for home or at the anytime craft studio in Downtown Rochester – photo by Michael Dwyer

A pretty-colored plastic clipboard with plastic pins use string to allow the user to weave different patterns to easily and effectively make the old-fashioned friendship bracelets most kids know all about.

Simple device. Simple fun. Crafty Idea.

Two Locations in Michigan

The Friendship Factory has 15 employees and two stores, both in Michigan, located in Rochester and Clinton Township. Both have holiday events, workshops, and classes. Plan a party or use the anytime craft studio.

Madison Herbart, an employee at the Rochester store, is excited to help new crafters get started and suggested making holiday gifts for someone your list this year. Simple gift ideas could be making a bracelet, ornament, or key chain. She has a Master’s Degree in School Psychology and suggests crafting helps with organizational skills, while being fun and creative at the same time.

Madison Herbart of The Friendship Factory demonstrates how to use the My Image Bracelet Maker - photo by Michael Dwyer

Madison Herbart of The Friendship Factory demonstrates how to use the My Image Bracelet Maker – photo by Michael Dwyer

The Friendship Factory of Rochester

210 West University Drive

Rochester, MI 48307



Santa Painting

Friday, December 11, at 6:00 p.m. $25 per person

Owl Painting

Tuesday, December 29, at 1:00 p.m. $25 per person







About Michael Dwyer

Michael Dwyer is a freelance content provider. Michael writes about happenings in the Rochester area, travels across Michigan and destinations around the world. Contact him at

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