Scarecrows in the City

The Rochester Hills Museum is hosting their annual Scarecrows in the City Building Workshop

The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm will be hosting Scarecrows in the City Building Workshop on Tuesday, October 4 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Scarecrows in the City allows local businesses and organizations to build a scarecrow that will be on display during the museum’s annual Stone Wall Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 8. After October 8, the scarecrows will be moved to Main Street in downtown Rochester. These scarecrows will be on display until October 31. The cost to make a scarecrow is $50 for businesses and $40 for schools, scouts, and other non-profit organizations. The museum will provide the wooden frame, straw, signage, and moving logistics.To register for Scarecrow in the City Building Workshop use the PayPal option at, e-mail, or visit the museum on Fridays and Saturday between 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The deadline to register is Friday, September 30.

Scarecrow in the City Building Workshop

Scarecrow in the City Building Workshop

The Rochester Hills Museum is located at 1005 Van Hoosen Road, off Tienken between Rochester and Dequindre Roads.

Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm



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