Science Fiction Authors to Invade Rochester Hills Public Library

Invading the Rochester Hills Public Library is a host of science fiction books. In order to keep the public up-to-date on the newest titles, the Rochester Hills Public Library invited two science fiction authors from the Metro Detroit area to discuss their published works and upcoming titles.

Travis Thompson

Travis Thompson

On Thursday, January 12, author Travis Thompson will be talking about his newest book, The Tournament, the second book in the Tournament of the Worlds series. After each region of the world has had its champions chosen for the tournament, they have each been enhanced with the deadliest technology in the universe to fight and preserve earth. He will be discussing the book series from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room.

One review on Amazon by Matt Schulman described Thompson’s first book in the series as “one portion Hunger Games, one portion Pacific Rim, one portion Ancient Aliens (with bonus crazy hair), one quarter portion Spaceship Salvage. Mix in bowl with three equal portions of Kubrick, Koontz, and Hunter S. Thompson for six hours… You will read this book, it’s ridiculously good.”

Wayne Bibbs

Wayne Bibbs

On Thursday, February 23, Wayne Bibbs will be discussing his book, Catalyst, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Catalyst is about a man who discovers he can remove fat from any person’s body with one touch. This science fiction/fantasy novel enters into the moral and ethical questions behind whether or not this business should be done.

“I enjoyed this book,” said Sharon E. Howard on Amazon about Catalyst, “I am not the one who has the time to read, but this book captured my attention, and my thoughts. Every chapter had me longing to know what will be next. I highly recommend this book.”

Registration is available online for both of these events at Sign up in advance as space will be limited.



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