Sheriff PAL Program Seeks Volunteer Coaches and Field Coordinators

The newly formed Sheriff PAL (Police Athletic League) Program is now seeking volunteer coaches and field coordinators to assist Oakland County youth sports leagues in tee ball, basketball, baseball, and soccer for summer 2016.

Sheriff PAL Program Coaches WANTED

Sheriff PAL Program Coaches WANTED

Get your whistle ready – Our goal is to serve 500+ children in and around the city of Pontiac to begin with high quality experiences through recreational sports and relationships centered around character and integrity. This goal can only be accomplished with the help of volunteers willing to make a small commitment in order to make an impactful difference in the life of a child. We believe that a child is an accurate representation of the community where they are being raised. If you would like to make a difference in shaping that community, here is your opportunity.

As a coach, you will have the unique privilege to interact with children and their families and assist in the rebuilding of the community. We have programmed our leagues in such a way that if you are gracious enough to make an 11 week commitment for 16 total hours you can make a difference in at least one child’s life.

  • Basketball – Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays Sheriff PAL Program Coaches WANTED
  • Tee Ball – Tuesdays
  • Baseball – Tuesdays
  • Soccer – Wednesdays

Evening game times are as early at 5:00 p.m. and as late at 9:00 p.m. starts

The mission of the Sheriff PAL Program is to create a safe environment and a structure within which law enforcement will support and inspire young people to reach their full potential, utilizing athletics and other programs geared to improving the lives of participants. Such programs promote self-confidence, self-esteem, civic engagement, academic achievement, and help create and form better members of society.

Please note, all volunteers will need to submit an application and be subject to a background check. To accept this opportunity, or for more information, please reach out via phone or text to Ryan Russell, Sheriff PAL Program Director, at (248) 321.8448.

For more information about the Sheriff PAL Program, go to

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