Should We Be Afraid? America’s International Security and Foreign Policy

The 2018 Meadow Brook Lecture in International Affairs brings keynote speaker Clifford Bob, Ph.D., J.D., professor and chair of political science at Duquesne University to Oakland’s campus on Wednesday, March 21 at 7:00 p.m. His talk will take place at historic Meadow Brook Hall in the ballroom.

Photo of Clifford Bob, blue shirt and jacket, red tie.

Clifford Bob, Ph.D., J.D.

Professor Bob’s lecture is titled “Should We Be Afraid? America’s International Security and Foreign Policy.” During the talk, he will address the fact that Americans are bombarded by claims that we face major threats to our national security. Yet careful examination of supposed dangers such as North Korea, Russia, China, and terrorism shows them to be small or manageable. Bob’s view is that in this low-threat era, the U.S. needs to embrace a new strategy of responsible internationalism, combining deep economic and social engagement with sharp reductions in expensive and counterproductive military and political interventions.

“Every day we are faced with a seemingly endless flow of news describing the grave and imminent risks facing our country,” said Matthew Fails, associate professor of political science and coordinator of the International Affairs program at Oakland University. “Though the news industry thrives on such panic-inducing headlines, it is important to carefully analyze the true risks and how such risks can be managed. Professor Bob’s talk will explore these issues in what promises to be a fascinating talk on the risks facing our country now and in the years to come.”

The Meadow Brook Lecture on International Affairs was first established in 2012 as an opportunity to bring world-renowned scholars to Oakland University to discuss some of the most pressing issues in international affairs. These lectures have provided an opportunity for major thinkers to share their views with the Oakland community and have served as a vehicle for stimulating critical thinking about the world.

Over the past six years, Oakland has hosted scholars discussing critical issues like the risk of international terrorism, how to protect vulnerable citizens in war zones, the roots of international financial crises, and whether economic sanctions can be effective ways to generate favorable foreign policy outcomes.

The lecture is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. Those planning to attend are asked to RSVP to Dr. Fails at

About Clifford Bob

Clifford Bob, Ph.D., J.D. is professor and chair of political science at Duquesne University. He earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard University, a law degree from New York University School of Law, and a Ph.D. in political science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Bob is an acclaimed scholar of international relations, with a specific focus on issues of human rights, international law and organization, and transnational activism. He is the author of a number of books, including his most recent on the role of conservative transnational activist groups and their influence on policy, and dozens of journal articles and book chapters.

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