The City of Rochester has contracted with Italia Construction to conduct sidewalk repairs throughout the city. This program should only last through July and was implemented in an effort to promote safety in Rochester neighborhoods, as well as improve the appearance of the community. This year’s program is mainly west of Main Street, but could be in other areas of the city based on need and severity. Sidewalk maintenance is important to both appearance and value. Moreover, it may save a pedestrian from injury.

Sidewalk Repair Program
There may be small damage to your lawn near the construction site, but the contractor should repair the damage within a reasonable timeframe after the construction. Most small areas of damaged grass will fill in on its own. Larger areas of damaged grass will be repaired by the contractor. The contractor will repair the sprinkler line or head if damaged during construction located within the right-of-way within a reasonable timeframe after the construction. Please notify Rochester DPW of unrepaired sprinkler damage.
Please feel free to contact the Rochester DPW at (248) 651-5165 with any questions or concerns, and thank you for your patience.