Rochester Mayor Mentions New Buinesses in Downtown

State of the City Leading up to the state of the city address on March 14, 2013, Mayor Bikson told Rochester Media that Rochester business is booming and he highlighted four new local businesses. He mentioned The Chapman House, The Meeting House, Somerset Lending and Trekt Outdooors, by name, as success stories. The mayor welcomed these new businesses and introduced the connections that attended at the state of the city address. “Business owners believe in the future of Rochester,” said … [Read more...]

Where to Go in 2013

Travel in 2013 Now that we’re past the world ending, Christmas and New Year’s, we can seriously look at our travel plans for 2013. There’s the winter getaway, spring fling, summer vacation and various other weekend trips looming in the New Year. Have you started planning yet? Winter Getaways If you’re the type of person that needs a warm destination in the middle of a Michigan winter and haven’t made plans yet, you better hop online or visit a travel agent soon. You might be stuck with … [Read more...]

Fun indoor workouts to add to your 2013 fitness regimen

So the holidays are behind us and we are energized and raring to go with our list of goals for 2013. Since the new year has greeted us with sub-zero temperatures (at least it feels like that to me!), this week I highlight a few workouts to do indoors to help you reach your new healthful goals. Not to mention, these are fun ways to exercise! After all, if you enjoy your fitness, you are much more likely to continue working out year-round, meeting and surpassing your goals. Even if you … [Read more...]