A Woman of Significance to Me, an Eighth Grade Essay Contest Now Open

Seventeenth Annual Rochester American Association of University Women (AAUW) 8th Grade Essay Contest Are you in the 8th grade? Have you been inspired by a woman in history or in your family? Write an essay telling about your experience and you could be the winner of the seventeenth annual Rochester AAUW 8th Grade Essay contest about "A Woman of Significance to Me." Contest Rules Prizes of $100.00, $75.00, and $50.00 will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners at … [Read more...]

Meet the Winners of the AAUW Eighth Grade Essay Contest

The Rochester branch of the American Association of University Women is proud to announce the winners of the 2018 Eighth Grade Essay Contest about “A Woman of Significance to Me.” First place winner Gemma Ugorowski from Van Hoosen Middle School chose Olympic and world champion swimmer. Gemma was inspired to craft a well thought out goal sheet and to have a positive attitude even on bad days by Katie’s words “before you can achieve you must believe in yourself.” Second place winner Alex … [Read more...]

Rochester AAUW 2011 Women’s History Month Eighth Grade Essay Contest Winners

The March meeting of the Rochester branch of the American Association of University Women featured the winners of their annual Woman’s History Month Eighth Grade Essay Contest. The first place winner was Sofia Pokrzywa of Van Hoosen Middle School for her essay about her piano teacher, Mrs. Gurin. The second place winner was Amanda Hudak from Reuther Middle School for her essay about her PRIDE team leader Mrs. Fortress. The winner of third place was Sophia Dancel from Van Hoosen Middle School for … [Read more...]

Eighth Grade Women’s History Month Essay Contest in March

In honor of March as National Women’s History Month, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) of Rochester, in partnership with the Rochester Hills Public Library and the Auburn Hills Public Library will sponsor a 2011 Eighth Grade Women’s History Month Essay Contest entitled “A Woman of Significance to Me.”   This is the eighth year the contest is being offered in the Rochester and Avondale school districts.  The purpose of the contest is to encourage students to exhibit their … [Read more...]