By Judge Michael Warren One of the defining characteristics of our free republic is our strong adherence to the rule of law. President John F. Kennedy insightfully observed, “Our nation is founded on the principle that observance of the law is the eternal safeguard of liberty and defiance of the law is the surest road to tyranny.” The Founders wrote down and ratified the Constitution to ensure that all would be subject to it, and created a judicial branch to protect it. The judiciary is the … [Read more...]
Judge Warren Commentary about Judicial Threats Undermining the Liberty of All
January 3, 2018 by 1 Comment
Time to Celebrate George Washington
February 15, 2016 by Leave a Comment
By Michael Warren If images of wooden teeth, cherry trees, dollar bills, and carpet sales popped into your mind, I suspect you would be in very large company. Do these images accurately reflect his importance to America? Not so much. His contributions to the American experiment in self-government are unparalleled: Virginian legislator and revolutionary; Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army; President of the Constitutional Convention; and first President of the United States of … [Read more...]