The month of June marks the halfway point for the year. How are you tracking to your 2011 goals? Do you have great action and momentum? Or, do you find yourself settling back into your comfort zone? It”s never too late to make a fresh start and ignite your goals for the year. Here are a few tips for staying focused on your goals: Put your goals in writing. Be specific about your goals and make them measurable. A goal such as “Lose 15 pounds by October 15, 2011” is specific … [Read more...]
Help! I’m Being Bullied!
November 17, 2010 by
Dear Crabby, I've been getting bullied at school by some mean kids. They keep knocking my books on the floor, tripping me, and pushing me. I know I'm not supposed to fight back, but what can I do about it? Sincerely, Fragile Frankie Dear Fragile Frankie, I have to wonder about the way we teach kids in school these days. To be told not to fight back is really incorrect, and it's against nature. Now, I might get into trouble here with some parents and school administrators, but … [Read more...]