Hostelling for the Not-So-Young, Part Two Read Hostelling for the Not-So-Young, Part One First How to Book a Hostel Hostels come in all shapes and sizes, new and old, here and there. I like to use “HI” hostels. Hostelling International hostels are affiliates of a worldwide organization in 90 countries featuring over 4,000 hostels. You’ll need to buy a membership card ($28.00 annually) before you travel. However, there are many non-affiliated hostels around the world that work just as … [Read more...]
Hostelling for the Not-So-Young
July 30, 2014 by 1 Comment
Maybe your friend is in Australia right now? Perhaps your daughter is backpacking Europe this summer before she starts college? Or, maybe your parents are driving the western states coastline? Chances are, hostels may be one their accommodation choices and it doesn't matter what their age is ... Hostelling for the Not-So-Young (part one) Running around the world with a backpack, jumping on trains and buses, and sleeping in hostels may seem like an adventure for college students on summer … [Read more...]