Dear Crabby, Did we turn the clock back a decade? Because I feel like I’m living Harry Potter hysteria all over again. He’s at my library, the bookstore, and just about everywhere else I turn. What is it about 'the boy who loved' that people won't leave him alone? Thanks! Doug Dumbell Dear Doug Dumbell, Ma’am, you’re lucky I have grandkids or I wouldn’t know what in tarnation you were talking about. But even though I’m older than dirt, I do like to stay current with what the … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, How Many More Lives Does Harry Potter Have?
Filed Under: Dear Crabby, General, The Community Edge Tagged With: Barnes and noble, dear crabby, harry potter, JK Rowling, Pokémon Go, Pottermania, Reader's Digest, Romeo and Juliet
A New Year for The Freelance Marketplace Writers Group
The Freelance Marketplace Writers' Group Meets this Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at the Rochester Hills Barnes & Noble Bookstore at 2800 S. Rochester Road (west side) just North of Auburn Road at 7:30 p.m. We meet on third Tuesday of the month to discuss the business of writing. New, working, and published writers, photographers and illustrators are welcome. Free and open to the public. This month our guest will be Robert Conroy, a local Michigan author. In February we will be joined by Jim … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Events, Publishing Tips, The Community Edge Tagged With: Barnes and noble, Rochester Hills, Writers group