ROCHESTER, MI – Will you breastfeed your baby? Do you want more information about nursing before you make your decision? This class can answer your questions and help you get off to the best possible start as a nursing mother. You’ll learn about diet requirements, breast care and all the breastfeeding secrets to success. A registered nurse/certified lactation consultant teaches the class and will visit you in the hospital after your baby is born to make sure you’re feeling relaxed and ready … [Read more...]
Crittenton, Whole Foods Market, and A Healthy Diet
ROCHESTER, MI – Crittenton’s healthcare experts and renowned chef share the latest information on breast cancer and healthy eating. This important program will be offered Tuesday, October 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Whole Foods in Rochester Hills. Chef Michelle Bommarito will provide excellent nutrition information and Elayne Arterbery, MD and Pamela Johnson, MD will offer information on breast cancer and healthy eating. Cost for the event is $5 and advanced registration is required. … [Read more...]
Crittenton Breast Cancer Awareness Walk Oct 6
ROCHESTER, MI – Crittenton Hospital Medical Center is sponsoring their 11th annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on Wednesday, October 6, 2010, at 4:30 p.m. After a few brief remarks, walkers will set out from the hospital and proceed east on University Drive to Main, then south on Main, west on Fourth to Walnut and north to University Drive. Walkers will return to the hospital on University. This is a free event. Please join us for our annual community walk to increase breast cancer … [Read more...]