Op-Ed: What's a "Special Project" in the City of Rochester? By Sue Ann Douglas for Rochester Media That's a good question, I hear questions and complaints on a regular basis, and I couldn't answer that question and why things seem to be happening that threaten our historic and quaint downtown. Therefore, here's what I've found out. The City's goal through their new Master Plan is density. You heard me right but I'll say it louder DENSITY. They tell me that's what everyone wants. … [Read more...]
Fringe Benefits For Road Commissioners?
December 2, 2010 by
Just when you think you’ve figured everything out, you find an old practice that’s never mentioned. County Commissioners are required by law to appoint 3 members to the Road Commission for Oakland County and set their compensation. The Road Commission for Oakland County is not a part of county government and their salary has been set at $10,000 a year for their services. Not bad. Their salary hasn’t changed in 21 years but I thought it was pretty generous and no one ever suggested that we … [Read more...]