Dear Crabby, Is ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ the End of Superhero Movies?

Dear Crabby, The highly anticipated Marvel Avengers: Infinity War movie comes out this weekend. Is this the end or will there be more? Thanks! Scott Pym Dear Scott Pym, Oh, you’re so precious to think that these superhero movies will be leaving us alone anytime soon. I mean look at Black Panther. That movie made at least a trillion dollars. OK. It didn’t make that much, but it has made almost $700 million. That’s more than the theatrical grosses of Iron Man, Thor, and the first … [Read more...]

Movies in the Moonlight = Six Nights of Family Fun!

The 11th season of Movies in the Moonlight is full of blockbuster hits and fun for all ages – and this year it’s super-sized with six nights of movies. The 2012 Movies Schedule is: June 30: Puss In Boots (Rated PG), Presented by Moon River Soap Company July 7: Captain America (Rated PG-13) July 14: Hugo (Rated PG), Presented by The Robot Garage July 21: Dolphin Tale (Rated PG), Presented by Dairy Queen of Rochester July 28: The Help (Rated PG-13) August 4: The Smurfs (Rated … [Read more...]