Physics Professor Earns Prestigious CAREER Award

A new scientific wave that could revolutionize the electronics industry has earned Dr. Wei Zhang, an assistant professor of physics at Oakland University (OU), the National Science Foundation (NEF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award. The award is presented annually to non-tenured faculty who has demonstrated the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education, and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. “The CAREER … [Read more...]

How to make it big, better than winning the Lotto!

It seems that most people assume that you have to work at a job that you hate and then stay at that job (hopefully) for the next forty years. It is a myth. I recently came across Dan Miller and his (48 Days To The Work You Love/No More Dreaded Mondays/Wisdom Meets Passion) book and I have to say, it has changed the way I view my work now. I thought you might like to check out the site as well. click here Let me know what you think. It seems to have worked for tons of people … [Read more...]