The nation was in the throes of the Civil War when William Henry Yates and his wife, Caroline, bought 80 acres of land on the Clinton River in southeastern Avon Township. It was April 1863, and the Yateses, with their nine-year-old son, Frank, made the trip to their new home in Michigan from Madison County, New York. Settling on land at what we know today as the intersection of Avon and Dequindre roads, William Yates used an existing dam on the Clinton River to power a lumber and … [Read more...]
Sweeter Cider and Shorter Lines – Now is the Time to Visit a Local Cider Mill
November 3, 2010 by
Michigan is a gorgeous state! It seems like this time of year attracts more former residents and visitors than any other season. Our autumn blesses us with fantastic colors, spooky celebrations, and a yummy harvest of good food. As the last of the leaves get stuffed in brown paper bags and the farmer’s markets end their season, we are offered a break before the big holidays. I recommend you continue to savor the delights of Michigan and visit one of the three working cider mills in the … [Read more...]