Dear Crabby, I'm Tired of Paying Too Much for Cable, Should I Cut the Cord? Sincerely, Susie Scissors Dear Crabby Gives Advice Dear Susie, Cutting the cord is far easier than cutting the rug. Learning to dance is difficult, saving money is super easy. It's one of the few things young people are right about - you don't need cable television. Ask anyone from Gen Y or Gen Z and they'll tell you to stop spending money on cable and get yourself an antenna and/or a streaming service. I … [Read more...]
Dear Crabby, Should I Cut the Cord?
Filed Under: Dear Crabby, The Community Edge Tagged With: cable, classic TV of the 60s and 70s, cut the cord, roku, tivo
Rochester Posed gets Groovy!

Come see your favorite iconic 'performers' from the 60s and 70s including Fonzie, Lucy and Laverne & Shirley! Downtown Rochester’s second annual Rochester Posed event is scheduled for Thursday, October 2. Participating downtown Rochester businesses will turn their storefront windows into live mannequin displays. This year’s theme for Rochester Posed is classic TV of the 60s and 70s. “We were overwhelmed by the success of the first Rochester Posed in 2013 and we can’t wait for another … [Read more...]