Dear Crabby, Should I Vote?

Dear Crabby, Should I Vote? Sincerely, Nervous Nellie   Yes, every Red-Blooded American should vote Nellie. But I'm sure today's current election climate has uninspired you as it has many Americans. Let's look at your choices. Mrs. Clinton has years of experience in the system. Her family is well-connected with many in government. Legal or non-legal actions, ethical or non-ethical doings, or basic right or wrong - she cannot be "caught." She can play the system to her … [Read more...]

Election Reminder November 8

Voters will be going to the polls on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. View a sample ballot by visiting the Michigan Voter Information Center. To see a list of candidates and ballot proposals click here.    Want to see the election results that night? Visit the easy-to-use Election Reporting system at and click on Elections Division. You will also find valuable information on polling locations, voter registration, and … [Read more...]