There's no escaping the clutching tentacles of government. Both the federal and state government assert their "right" to the fruits of your labor via income taxes. Unless you're homeless, you pay for the "privilege" to live on land, directly or indirectly, as property tax. And of course, just about every purchase you make in Michigan is taxed, often in more ways than one. The language in the May 5th ballot proposal reinforces that you are a subject, not a citizen, with numerous … [Read more...]
McMillin Calls for a ‘Day of Action’ on April 15 to Help Defeat Proposal 1
April 7, 2015 by Leave a Comment
Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan Outline Ballot Proposal Language
February 9, 2015 by 1 Comment
If your eyes tend to glaze over when reading and making sense of ballot proposals, chances are you're not alone. On May 5, Michigan voters will be asked to vote on an important tax increase, which is supposed to help finance badly needed repairs to Michigan roads. To help make sense of what specifically voters are being asked to approve, former state representative Tom McMillin and chairman of Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan, a grassroots citizens' organization, has put together the following … [Read more...]